Community Superheroes
Here at PATCH we believe in supporting each other and that extends far beyond our schools, out into the local and wider community.
We are forever grateful for the support we get from local businesses and the general public and would like to take the opportunity to give each and every supporter a huge and well deserved THANK YOU.
There are so many supporters to thank, you would be here reading forever if we added them all, so this page will be updated monthly. Check back regularly for more Community Superheroes!!
If you would like to find out more about how you too could become one of our community Superheroes, please don't hesitate to get in touch and one of our friendly team will be happy to assist.
Andrew & Andrew Solicitors
This wonderful local company have recently contacted us to see how they can support our schools and our fundraising.
We are excited to be working with them on a brand new project which we will soon be launching across both schools.
This dedicated team are keen to show that a career in law is accessible to everyone and we can't wait to work with them.
They have also generously donated some amazing prizes to our raffle which will offer some lucky families the chance to make memories that will last a lifetime on one of two family days out.
Thank you to Amelia, Wiz, and everyone at Andrews & Andrews for you support and generosity.
Atlanta Garage
This amazing little garage is just opposite our infant school. They got behind PATCH from the very begining and have been a huge support by donating raffle prizes, selling raffle tickets and so much more. Thank you for always supporting us!

Tesco comminity champions
Our local Tesco stores have been an amazing support in many ways. Over the past 18 months they have donated gift cards for PATCH to buy much needed supplies for events, raffle prizes and we were also selected for their 'Stronger Starts' blue token vote to win a £500-£1500 grant towards the work on Wozza's Little Creepers.
We are incredibly grateful for their support and for the opportunity to be in the vote for the grant money.
This amazing little business who were just starting out themselves have been absolutely amazing to work with. They jumped straight into the unknown with us when we decided to start our car boot sales and have been there with us every step of the way. Thank you so much for your continued support Snack'n'Wrap!

The Dowling family & I Gardens
Perhaps the biggest superheroes of all! This family how show strength and love in abundance and the PATCH team are incredibly proud of them and everything they have achieved in their wonderful son's honour. Ian, a landscape gardener (i gardens) donated hundreds of hours of free labour and the whole family worked tirelessly to create the beautiful space that is now known as Wozza's Little Creeper. We know Warren would be so proud of them all and so are we.
23rd Portsmouth Scouts
The definition of community support!
Sarah and her team over at the 23rd Portsmouth Scout Group based in Stamshaw have been right behind us from day one.
They have been on hand to bring their BBQ and equipment to our summer fetes and we share the love by splitting the profits, its the perfect partnership.
We also have the wonderful Emma, better known to the children as 'Rusty' as one of our trustees and she provides a scouts link on our core team. Sarah and the 23rd team really do embody what it means to support the community and we love working with them all.
Princess the unicorn and friends
Princess has sparkled her magic on all of our big events, donating amazing raffle prizes to all our raffles and getting her Christmas outfit on to join us for our Christmas Fayre last year.
Sadly her appearance at our summer fete couldn't go ahead because of the high winds and venue change but we are sure you will be able to experience the magic of meeting a real unicorn at a future PATCH event.
We love working with Princess, and who wouldn't want to hang out with a real life unicorn?
Binngs Bouncy Castles and more
A huge thanks goes out to Aaron and co at Binngs Councy Castles who jump on board with us to support our first ever summer fete and stuck with us ever since coming out to support every event.
Without their support we would never have got our first fete off the ground and we are extremely greatful. They do party hire too, so if you need an inflatable to make your next party extra special, we can certainly recommend them.
Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot
Nothing is going to get better. It’s not.
Dr. Seuss
There are so many to thank... here are just a few more who have all been a huge support